Friday, August 14, 2009

Detroit Favs

Here are some of the better foods that I had a lot in Detroit. I have not made any of these so they are word for word how I got them. There were a lot of pigs feet, chitlens and more, but nobody wants to eat those Im sure.... I know I didnt. All of these dishes were often served together with Wattermellon and grape soda.


What you need...
-Lots of macaroni Noodles
-2 lb cheese
-one small container of sour cream
-salt and pepper to taste
-1/2 quart milk
-1 stick of butter
-2 eggs (beaten)
-1 sleeve of Ritz Crackers

Cooking Time....
1-mix everything together except the crackers. (Im not sure if you boil the noodles or not as Ive never made this)
2-Bake at 350 degrees till it bubbles.
3-Crumble the crackers on top and return to the oven till its brown.

Cover the chicken in a salt, pepper and flour mixture then fry it in oil.... This dish also goes well with Waffles in Detroit

What you need...
-collard greens (or any leafy green veggie)
-smoked turkey or ANY pork part on the bone
-2 caps of vinigar
-1 tbsp of sugar
-peppers, onions ect to taste

Cooking Time...
1-Clean the greens well and throw out the stems
2-slice them like spinach and cover them with watter in a pot
3-add smoked turkey or pork parts and boil till it falls off the bone.
4-half way through the cooking process add vinegar, sugar, onions, peppers and whatever els you like

Pizza Fun!

This is an easy fun family activity for all ages!

What you need....
-Frozen dinner roll dough (We used Rhodes bake n serve)
-Whatever you like on pizza
-Spagetti sause with Oregano, Basil, Marjoram and Gran Garlic added to taste

Start Cooking...
This is pretty self explanitory, but here are some tips we learned through trial and error, followed by detailed picture instructions.
1-Dont spread the dough too thin
2-We baked at 350 degrees for 13 min.
3-I found it more filling and tasty to put a top crust on mine so its sorta like a calzone. That way you can stuff it with more toppings!
4-As you may see in the pictures, the younger children may need you to make them one after they make theirs. We found it best to just throw away the mutalated one.
5-Bake the pizzas on the slightly greased baking pan or tinfoil.
6-We also found that they stick to the suface of whatever you assemblethem on. So assemble them on the baking pan or individually divided tinfoil so they can go stright to the oven.

Getto Stir Fry

This is easy and cheap, but if you have ever fried potatoes you know it is not a very fast process. you are probably looking at about a half hour frying time.

What You Need...
-Potatoes (cubed)
-Hot Dogs (sliced)
-Garlic Powder to taste
-Salt and Pepper to taste
-A whole lot of Butter

Start Cooking...
combine everything and cook on Mediun heat in a frying pan till the potatoes are soft. Stir often and add butter as neededto keep from sticking and burning (This also gives it that desired unhealthy goodness). Serve with Catsup and enjoy!

Missionary Mac-N-Cheese

Heres one I came up with on my mission. Every missionary gets sick of Mac & Cheese, this was one of my more successfull attempts (and there were many) of spicing things up. Hope you enjoy.

What you need....
-1/4 to 1/2 cup diced tomato
-Onion, small porton diced very small
-Minced fresh Garlic, same portion as onion
-Butter and milk as per mac&cheese instructions
-Box of mac&cheese

Start cooking....
1-Boil noodles
2-In a bowl combine melted butter, milk, garlic, onion and tomato
3-When the noodles are done combine with the sause and cheese packet.

Its a cheap easy meal fit for a peasant.... or a missionary.